Thursday, January 13, 2011

South Africa!


  1. Here is a comment:

    I like your new blog format!! Go ::Melancholies!!:: :) haha

    you are such a neat writer who puts your thoughts into unique words.

  2. Wanted to say... you contradicted "The Starving Baker" which says yes, you must be filled before you can fill others, but this is true. YOU WHERE MADE FOR GOD! Everything you do for your family, for the church, for the community is an OVERFLOW of the fact that we live for GOD! There for Yes you must first be seated at our Father's throne and commune with him so he can provide you with all you need to sow to his people. I like your thinking though. ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey is saids you like "Fathered by God" was that there before? lol

  5. Ok, so Im thinkin when I'm around 21 I'm going to start writing some type of book. Well Micah thats how old you wil soom be...when are you gonna write a book? You know you need to...right?

  6. enjoying the new updates keep it up.
