Thursday, March 5, 2015

Walking through the Stories of the Old Testament

In January of 2012 I started walking through the Old Testament chapter by chapter. I started so that I could really try to understand the context for the scene of Jesus coming. I wanted to wrap my mind around His culture, the folklore he heard, the idioms the people used, and therefore some of the references He would make (similar to the ones we make from politic speeches, movie lines, and youtube videos everyday). 

So far I've only made it to 1Kings 5. Its actually not because I've been lazy, but its because it has been so captivating!!! 
For instance did you know that Jewish Commentators have described the "cool of the day" with Adam, Eve, and God as the refreshing light afternoon rain? I picture all the romantic hollywood scenes of lovers walking together in a delicate rain, but still with golden rays of sunlight. PS it rained like that both on the day I proposed to Cori and on our wedding day itself, per His message to us of His greater romance. 

How about in the beginning of Deuteronomy when the new generation of Israelites imerge from the wilderness on the steppes of Moab and one of the first things they do is go to war against the king of the giants (anakites or "long-necked" people); the very people their parents were terrified of! Its actually humorous when you know that King Og of Bashan means King "Cake" and the dimensions of his bed are recorded being really tall and doubly wide because he was so fat.  

Recently I have been enamered with the establishment of the monarchy in Israel, coming out of some of the darkest days of Israel in the Judges where "every man did as he pleased." The stories from 1 and 2 Samuel are amazing and 1 Kings is also startling. So I'm endeavoring to make an account of what I find, from here on out. 

These blog posts wont be all neccessarily for one purpose or another but wholistically just for me to be able to write down and share from time to time what I find from the text. 

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