Sunday, May 24, 2015

2 Kings 2

Elijah's ascension and the Mantle passing to Elisha as the first-born spiritual son:  
Reading through this again and with better commentators, I agree with the theological camp that says that Elisha was not asking for a double-portion of Elijah's spirit, but that he might receive a two-thirds portion inheritance as Elijah's "firstborn spiritual son" and here's why. The text does not say "double portion," it means "twofold" and mirrors first the speech of the inheritances in Deuteronomy 21:17, meaning 2/3 of all that could be inherited. Did Elisha do twice what Elijah did, I don't know, some people are saying that, but I believe that Elisha continued Elijah's ministry to northern Israel and to the schools of the "sons of the prophets" that Elijah founded. Therefore inheriting at least 2/3 of his ministry if not more. The second reason why I would say this is just simply because if Elisha was asking Elijah (not God) for double his abilities - "his spirit," Elijah being a man could not give twice the amount he himself possessed. If Elisha had asked God that particular request I would be much more inclined to say yes, he did received double the spirit of Elijah. Either way Elisha was very successful in his ministry. 
Getting to what I thought more interesting to explore was Elisha's response of a curse to the boys who insulted his bald head. Here's what I noticed:  remembering Ahaziah's identification of Elijah being a hairy man with a leather belt (further associating Elijah with John the Baptism, outside of Jesus proclamation of it in Matthew 11), in 2 Kings 1, we know that Elijah was hairy, where Elisha apparently here is insulted being not hairy. Looking more closer we also find a phrase that is very important earlier on in the chapter where the disciples of the prophets both in Bethel and in Jericho tell Elisha that his master was going to be taken from him, the hebrew actually says, "taken from your head." We also find these insulting boys meeting with Elisha as he re-enters Bethel after meeting with the disciples of the prophets in Jericho where they acclaim Elisha as the firstborn spiritual son of Elijah - "he has a double portion of Elijah!" So it's possible that this was a multidimensional insult and challenge to Elisha - 1. Your master is gone from your head (you are all alone, your spiritual daddy is gone, there is no one to protect you now)  2. You don't even look like Elijah (challenging his identity right after he was graciously identified with Elijah in Jericho)
From those two dimensions of this insult it could have even been a challenge to his spiritual authority and his place at the head of Elijah's continuing ministry - the birth right he had already asked for and received and thus merits a stronger response, i.e. the mauling of she-bears.  

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